Impromptu Halloween

Sometimes life knocks you down. And sometimes, life hits you square in the jaw. This week has been one of those weeks, and there’s no doubt about it. Things have gone wrong, and things have gotten worse, and in the end things just blew up. But at the end of the day, those things were all out of my control and the best thing for me to do is make the best of them. Crying about them won’t solve anything, and it won’t get me anywhere farther in life. So what did we do instead of crying and wallowing in self pity? We decided to have Impromptu Halloween, obviously. We didn’t want to go out, but we did want to have fun. So we put on our costumes, turned up the music, laughed a lot, and had a good time. And when it was all over and the costumes came off and the pajamas went on, we were all a little bit happier than when we started. Why? Because we didn’t cry and we didn’t allow each other to be sad. Instead, we laughed. And sometimes, most of the time actually, a good laugh is all you need to cure a bad week.

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