Realistic Resolutions

Happy 2015! Everyone loves ringing in the New Year with resolutions for the year ahead. However, most of the time, we fail to keep those resolutions and end up setting the same goals for the following year. Here’s a little help on making realistic, attainable resolutions for the year ahead.

  • Instead of saying “I’ll lose 10lbs”, say “I’ll get fit”. So many people love to think about all of the weight they’re going to lose throughout the next year, but by February they get off track and get discouraged and end up just giving up. Instead of setting an actual weight goal, just strive to be fit and healthy. This is a much more achievable goal, plus you’ll be less likely to get discouraged if you have an off day or a moment of weakness involving sweets.
  • Instead of saying “I’m only going to eat healthy foods”, say “I’ll eat healthier”. Only eating healthy foods is not at all realistic. It’ll only result in you being unhappy as you deny yourself of the foods you love. Instead, just try to maintain good portion control, and eat everything in moderation. Try to have at least one fruit and one vegetable a day, and stay away from processed foods when you can. Before you know it you may even find a new favorite food!
  • Instead of saying “I’ll go to the gym 5 days a week”, say “I’ll go to the gym more often and try new types of workouts”. Telling yourself that you have to be at the gym a certain number of days or hours of the week is a surefire way to give up on a goal. Life gets in the way and we get busy at times, so instead of being discouraged by a busy schedule, look at is as an opportunity to try new things. If you can’t go to the gym at your regular time, try a workout class later in the day that may fit your schedule better. Or, if you can’t get to the gym at all, try a new walking route around your city or a new hiking trail with a friend. At the end of the day, all the matters is that you did something.
  • Tell yourself that you’ll try something new every week. This is a great goal because it can mean so many things. “Something new” could be anything from reading a new book to trying to cook a new dish to trying a new restaurant with your friends. It could mean trying something very simple, so it’s a great goal to help you slowly step outside of your comfort zone and try new things.

At the end of the day, setting a resolution or two is all about you and what you want to achieve in the following year. For me, this means cooking more, reading more, and writing down all of my ideas so that hopefully I don’t forget so many of them. My dad, on the other hand, likes to take a different approach. For as long as I can remember, he hasn’t set a New Year’s Resolution. Why? He says you don’t want to mess with perfection.