Top 10 Reasons Its Totally Okay To Be Single Right Now

When all your friends are out with their SO’s and discussing their holidays plans with your around, you might start to feel a little bit down on yourself for being single. But being single isn’t really so bad, and here’s why:

1. You’re free to do what you want, when you want to. You don’t have to try to cram someone else’s family dinner (that you don’t really want to go to anyway) into your already short break. Instead, you can hang out with your friends, your family, or even your cats (like me!). Or maybe you just want some me time to catch up on your favorite Netflix series. Whatever the case may be, you’re not obligated to do anything you don’t want to, so enjoy it.

2. You don’t have to worry about buying extra Christmas gifts for them or their family. We’re young, and our bank accounts are tight. Being single means that I don’t have to worry about how much I’m spending on gifts, how much a SO might be spending, and how much neither of us can afford to be spending any money anyway.

3. You’re free to travel. Planning a Spring Break trip with your roommate or best friend? Being single means that you can call for a “girls only” week and really get to spend time with the people you may not get to see as often as you use to. Or maybe you just want to skip town for the weekend to visit an out of state friend. Bonus: you don’t even have to bring souvenirs home to anyone. Wherever you want to go, go.

4. You can focus on you. College especially is a time to figure yourself out. Figuring out your career goals, life goals, and personality can already be tricky enough. Adding someone else into the mix can just complicate thing. So instead, focus on yourself. And once you’ve found yourself, it will be easier to find a significant other later down the road.

5. You can spend more quality time with your family. It’s great to be able to spend time with your family and really get to know them. I personally love hearing stories about my grandparents as children or about when my parents started dating. Plus, now that you’re older, they’ll tell you all the funny “I’ll tell you when you’re older” stories that they use to hide from you!

6. You can wear whatever you want. Realistically, you should never change your appearance just because your SO doesn’t like what you wear or how you do your hair. When you’re single, you can try new styles and you don’t need to worry about impressing anyone but yourself. This also means you can spend your entire weekend in sweats and fuzzy socks if you so choose, and absolutely no one will judge you.

7. You don’t have to share your food. Going out to eat is fun and its great to be able to try new things. But chances are, when you have a SO, they’re going to want to try your dish, too. Personally, I’d rather have leftovers than share with someone, so being single at a restaurant works totally in my favor.

8. You don’t have to clean up after anyone but yourself. In my experiences, my apartment always looked like a warzone when my SO would come to visit. Why? Guys are messy. And they don’t care. Being single means my apartment stays just the way I like it: clean.

9. You don’t have the additional stress that relationships can bring. Finals, jobs, schedules, and money are all stressful when you’re young and working your way through school. Petty scuffs with a SO can add to the stress and distract you from what really needs to get done. When you’re single, that extra stress isn’t even a factor.

10. You get to be selfish, but in a good way. Just got news that you got the job interview you’ve been preparing for all semester? Reward yourself! Celebrate, go out with friends, buy yourself a new outfit, and don’t feel bad about it. You can reward yourself for doing well and celebrate just the way you want to. Enjoy it.

At the end of the day, being single or being in a relationship is just fine. As long as you make yourself happy first, no one should judge you for your relationship status. But if you’re only in a relationship so that you have someone to cuddle with when you’re cold, just remember: that’s why they make electric blankets.